Here are some useful sites and ideas to integrate technology into your classroom!
Classroom Dojo: This is an interactive behavior management site. Simply upload your roster or type in your students’ names into the program, set your positive and negative behaviors you want to reward or work on in your classroom. Each student can pick their own avatar and parents can even get involved by signing up to get updates on their child’s behavior. The website also logs all of the behaviors and they can be easily printed out for conferences. Choose a reward system based on the points the students earn each day, week, or month and watch how the behavior in your classroom improves.
Poll Everywhere: This site allows your students to answer a teacher created question from their smart phone/tablet/computer. The question can be answered during a PowerPoint or lecture or at the end of the lesson or activity. It provides the students another interactive way to show you what you have learned. There is a free version which allows you to take limited polls and a paid version which allows the teacher more options and polls.
** submitted by Phil Davis Horizon Columbus High School
Remind101: This a free site that allows teachers to communicate or remind parents/students about homework assignments, upcoming tests/projects/or school activities. Simply create an account, set up your classes and give the parents/students the number to text that will allow them to receive your reminder text messages. The parents/students cannot respond to your reminder so teacher confidentiality is not compromised. The system automatically updates when parents/students sign up so there is no data for the teacher to input except the actual reminder.
Crash Course: This YouTube channel provides short “crash course” videos about specific historical topics. Middle school and High school students would benefit most from these videos.
**submitted by Maria Gilmore Noble Cleveland Middle School
History Teachers: This YouTube channel takes important historical events and has put lyrics to popular songs about the event or person.
History Tunes: This website has songs that can be purchased individually on Itunes to use in the classroom. Activities can also be purchased for each song.